
Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:13-14)
Here is a message to you that I pray will speak to your heart and minds. It is an earnest plea for you all to know the Savior in truth. Time is short, eternity is forever.
If you already know the way of salvation and are a child of God, please pray and proclaim this message to other women:
If you are longing to be free from sin- look to the Lamb of God! Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the World! He came to earth, yes He came earth to redeem you, free you when He died at Calvary. He, Jesus Christ, knew no sin-- He is sinless, He is perfect-- HE NEVER sinned, but you have sinned. All have sinned and cannot reach God's glory-- WE fall short of His glory. Jesus Christ, who never sinned, became sin for us on the cross- for you, for me. He suffered on the cross bearing your sin, God the Father poured out His anger and wrath upon Jesus. Jesus Christ took your punishment on the cross, took your hell. He took what you and I deserve, He took it all for you on His body on the wooden cross. His suffering was so incredibly great that none of us can even begin to understand what HE suffered for us. He suffered until God the Father was satisfied that is was sufficient. Justice was given. Our just and holy God poured just punishment on Jesus as HE took our sin on His body on that wooden cross. OUR punishment is what He took, our griefs and sorrows. He was chastised for us... He is the Lamb- the Sacrifice Lamb-- He laid down His life for us as a sacrifice for our sin. Jesus Christ shed His blood and died. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, takes away the sin of the World.
Now we can be saved! Saved from God's fearsome wrath! BUT He cannot save you if you do not believe in Him, nor are ashamed of your sins to repent of them. Jesus commands that all people repent of their sins and believe the GOOD NEWS of salvation!
Jesus Christ died for us on the cross.. He is God in the flesh- no man took His life from Him- He laid down His life for us willingly as a sin sacrifice for you and me.-He arose from the dead! The grave could not hold Him He is alive forever more! He arose from the dead! Up from the grave He arose! With a mighty triumph over His foes- He arose the victor from the dark domain and He lives forever with His saints to reign! Hallelujah Christ arose!
Are you longing to be free? Jesus said ,"Come unto me." ... "Come unto me and I will give you rest."... "Come unto me all you who are weary and oppressed" .. "Come unto me and I will give you rest." Are you weary? Are you heavy laden? Are you sore distressed? Jesus said, "Come unto me and I will give you rest."
Have you any room for Jesus? He bore your load of sin-- sinner, will you turn to Him? Do you have room for pleasure- room for business- But no room for the one who bore your load of sin? No place that He can enter in the heart for which He died?
The chiefest of sinners Jesus Christ will save if he will turn to JESUS and Believe. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! Confess with your mouth that Jesus is God-confess HE died for you- you deserve hell but He took it for you- repent- believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved!
Jesus Christ wants to redeem you Oh sinner- He wants to save you!
BUT how can He save you if you do not believe in Him? How can He save you if you take for granted His sacrifice for you on the cross?-If you do not care? If you trample under foot His blood?
Can you be saved if you simply say a prayer and then go your way and continue to sin and not care? Can He save you if you refuse to admit you are a sinner? Can He save you if you blaspheme His holy name by proclaiming to be a Christian yet live just as wickedly as those who do not profess to be a Christian?
Jesus Christ said, " You must be born again." He told us He would send His Comforter- His Spirit, even the Holy Spirit! Those who have faith and believe in Jesus are children of God, His Spirit comes to dwell in the heart of those Who believe, they become "Born again." Born now of the Spirit of God. The believer becomes the temple of the living God!
One who is a true Christian has the Spirit of God dwelling in them. God's Word says that they become a new creature, old things are passed away and behold all things are become new!
True Christians cannot continue to live in willful sin because the Spirit of God grieves within for the sin. They feel the grief and are truly repentant and sorry for sin they have done. A person that God saves changes from not caring to caring--from blindness of sin to sight of sin. Life style changes as God shows them their sins. That person becomes free from sin as God gives him power and strength to not sin as they live daily in faith and trust in Him!
Jesus said. "No man can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other or he will love the one and hate the other." " You cannot serve God and mammon."
Mammon represents love for the World, the flesh and anything that becomes more important to you then God.
If you love to get drunk, commit fornication or adultery, or are sexually impure, are a homosexual, or love to plunge into pleasures of this World, If you steel, hate, lie or use God's Name in vain, love anything above God, you are a servant of satan. Satan is your master- - If you continue in this way until you die, you will perish in hell fire.
Jesus came to set you free! He came to set the captive free!
You cannot save yourself. All your good works are as filthy rags before God. NO! There is not any one who is righteous, no not one! No one is good, no one is sinless-- Except for Jesus Christ! You cannot save yourself.
Do not think the good you have done can out-weigh the bad you have done. When you die and stand before God the Judge what will say? "I've done allot of good, I'm not as bad as other people.". . . God makes it clear that your good works cannot save you. God says your sins have separated you from God. How many sins does it take to separate us from God? ONE SIN! But you and I have sinned many times-- sin is disobedience to God. His law gives us an idea of sin and reveals to us what sin is. God says, "You shall not lie" ... HE continues to tell us not to steel, not to commit adultery, not to covet, not to murder, not to take God's Name in vain. He says to honor your Father and Mother, He says to love Him and worship Him above anything or any other. Jesus said to look on someone with lust is equal to committing adultery or fornication. He said if you hate someone in your heart it is equal to murder. You and I have disobeyed God...that is called sin.
The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin-- for those who believe in Him and repent of their sin. He is our only hope--- Jesus Christ the Lord.
Jesus said He is the way and the truth and the life, no man can come unto the Father but by Him. He is the only Name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved...
Do you understand this?
The fool has said in his heart, "there is no God." Oh do not be a fool! God has some very serious things to say about fools-- they have no wisdom, shame shall be the promotion of fools.
There is not any hope for you if you refuse Jesus Christ the Lord. Desolation, distress and anguish will come to those who hate knowledge and who do not choose the fear of the Lord.
Receive God's Word! Apply His Word to your heart to to understand. Find the knowledge of God, He keeps the paths of judgement and preserves the way of His people. Do not walk in darkness and delight in the forwardness of the wicked. These are paths of the dead, the dead who have not any life in them. Do not forsake mercy and truth. Trust in Jesus Christ the Lord.. fear God!
Turn from your sinful ways and Be wise now! You will never regret it! You will find rich blessings and know the Lord Jesus Christ. Peace, life and truth, joy eternal that cannot be compared to anything earthly.
Once I was foolish and sinned ruled my heart. My life and living were not pleasing to God, I was an enemy of God. I was proud and self righteous. But Jesus found me! Found me as a lost sheep astray from the sheep fold. He opened my understanding, He let me see--
"Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned--every one--to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all."(Isaiah 53:4-6)
My iniquity- my sin was placed upon Jesus Christ. He shed His blood for me. How can I turn my back on such a Savior? I believed in my heart and repented of my sin now I am free from the slavery to sin and satan.
Oh come to the Lord Jesus Christ! He said, "Come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Do not turn your back on such a Savior! No! Turn your back on your sinful life! Turn from your pride-- turn from your own works/efforts for salvation. Turn from eternal death, darkness and damnation and come to Eternal Life and Light!
You are in darkness and you do not even know it. You are sin sick and you do not even realize it. You are a slave to satan and you so not even understand that.
Turn from the old sinful way, repent!- Turn to Jesus Christ! Let Him give you freedom and true Life and Truth!
Jesus said, "I have come to give you life and life more abundant" This is new life! Freedom to not sin! Liberty from bondage of sin.
O He freed me! Oh the pure joy of knowing Jesus. I love His name, Jesus Christ the Lord. He died for me to set me free! What joy and comfort He gives, rest to the weary, peace and joy. Jesus is all the world to me. Jesus is the Rock in a storm, we can hide in Him. He is a shelter in the time of storm. Jesus is a shade by day and defense by night, He is our helper, our safe haven, our safe retreat. Do you know Him?
Jesus Christ the Lord is the Rock in a weary land. Come to Jesus. Come safe to the Rock that is higher then you are. Run to Him! Seek Him! Ask Him to save you. Beg Him for understanding and faith in Him.
Jesus said:
Ask and keep on asking ..
Seek and keep on seeking..
Knock and keep on knocking...
For everyone who asks receives, and He who seeks shall find, to him who knocks the door shall be opened.
Do you want to know Him but don't know how? If you are truly desiring to be saved and in your heart you know what God says is true and want Jesus to save you... Do this... Ask Him! Go to Him and let Him know. Ask Him for understanding and faith in Jesus Christ. Repent of your sins! Let Him know you understand how sinful you are and want Him to save you. Ask Jesus Christ the Lord to wash your sins away with His blood and save you. I cannot tell you how to pray but only point you to the cross and say, talk to Jesus. Please read your Bible if you have one, start in the gospel of John and ask God to talk to you. If you don't have one ask me and I'll send one to you. If you desire to contact me, leave a comment, I will keep it private and contact you back.
God bless you who are His!
In His love forever,